
Per Olav Verås

I write.

The Syphilis Artist was begun several years ago. It was not until I moved to Norway and discovered the magic of silence-how a stones throw from your doorstep lies the forest, olive green, where a well trodden path takes you deep, in the shadows, where the sounds, sedating, touch like a whisper.

Comments? Want to beta read the novel? I will be sending out three copies of the book, here in Norway, to no more than three beta readers. All I ask as a return on my investment of shipping the book to you, free of any obligation, is to critically write some thoughts about what I have written. The second edition will come out in 2021 as a soft cover and as an ebook on various platforms. Any comments on the narrative (I mean the story-line, and not copy-editing) will be appreciated. Contact me at the following e mail: thesyphilisartist@gmail.com

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